work with sarah

mindset COACHING

We adjust our coaching layout and scheduling to meet the needs of each client, in order for the brain to solidify new neural pathways.

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Join us for retreats, coaching webinars, speaking engagements + more.

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online COURSES

Introducing the Caleb Co Group Webinar, a program designed to help you shift destructive mindset and behavior patterns into healthy ones.

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What are you believing

Mindset coaching goes beyond simple goal processing and setting to take a look at what a person is consciously and subconsciously believing that is affecting their behavior and life outcomes. 

Let’s get to the root

This gets to the root of things like self-sabotage, procrastination, or other patterns that would not be addressed by only looking at strategic plans and goals. Exchanging unhealthy mindsets for healthy ones is often the main work a client needs to do to unlock the areas where they have felt stuck.

Healing People. Healing Culture.

HI, i’m sarah

I’m the founder of Caleb Co. and am honored you stopped by! Helping people to become the best versions of themselves is my passion, so you’ve come to the right spot.

You are enough right now, and your story is needed - especially the parts you wish you could white out.

  • Our mission

    Using customized methods to identify toxic thought patterns and by creating a safe space to process and rewire these neural pathways, we help people embrace their identity and purpose, discover their voice of relevance, and find their place of belonging so that they can experience a lifestyle of sustainable growth and fulfillment personally and professionally.

  • our vision

    The thought leaders of this generation are moving in their unique purpose from the Source of their power. They are enriched publicly and privately, giving and receiving from a place of synergy. Their lives create global impact and lasting change resulting in cultural norms that are healing and empowering to humanity.

Research Partnerships

We’re about changing the norms that don’t work for people both individually and collectively.  The norms of how our culture views and deals with mental health is in desperate need of transformation. One of the best ways to do that is through credibility and trust.  Help us partner with experts and leaders in mental health to bring together solid, peer-reviewed evidence that can be applied to challenge the system and bring about positive change in our society’s approach to emotional health and wellness.  Send us an email to get involved!