
Thank you for stopping by!

My hope is that we’ll be a good fit for you in your journey of becoming the greatest version of yourself!

Hi, I’m Sarah Caleb.

I’m the founder of Caleb Co. You probably want to know a little bit about me to make sure I’m not a psychopath or a cult leader. In a nutshell, I’m a rogue nurse turned mindset coach. I became a nurse because I wanted to help the world in a big way. Nursing is amazing, but it wasn’t long before I slammed into the limits of medicine to help people be truly, holistically healthy. Years ago, I was burned out as I watched the cashier at Trader Joes find more joy in bagging my groceries than I had felt in the last year (her Tetris skills were insane). She told me that was because Trader Joes was her FUN job, and I needed to get myself a fun job to get me through my serious one.

So, I did that. I was hired by a coaching company, but it wasn’t long before my fun job was making serious impact. I did not know my heart could feel as much joy as it does when I watch the light come back into my clients’ eyes as they step into the lives they are meant to live. Honestly, I think my clients and I healed together from our small living and thinking.

I specialize in working with people in media and entertainment because a) they inspire the heck out of me, and b) I have seen first-hand the impact that culture has around the globe. When I met kids in the bush of Africa, they were singing Bieber and Beyonce, not songs in Makua. I have discovered that the greatest way to make an impact on a person is through their mindsets and the greatest way to make an impact on the world is through culture and media. Like you, I have a vision to not just use my talents to express myself and earn a living, but to also use my influence to make this world a healthier place. Can I show you how to keep your succulents alive? Absolutely not (send help). Can I teach you how to shift your brain from chaos to joy? Consider me Marie Kondo for your mind.


  • The name Caleb, taken from the ancient story of Joshua and Caleb, means man of a different spirit who follows his beliefs with all his heart. At The Caleb Company we work with people who are different and want to do things differently. All creatives, thought leaders, and pioneers face mountains standing between them and the life they were born to live and the work they were made to do. Those could be mountains of self-doubt, dysfunctional family history, or a world that is stuck in doing things the way they’ve always been done before. Rather than helping people face those mountains through drudgery and willpower, we help them climb them through a sense of adventure and empowerment.

  • There are two main motivators for why we do what we do. The first and foremost, is that we’ve found there is nothing in this world like the magic of seeing each person lock-in beliefs and mindsets that are in alignment with the truth of who they are and what they were meant to do in the world. The almost effortless and unstoppable changes that result are jaw-dropping inspirational.

    The second, is that we have seen first-hand the global impact that culture has on humanity and the impact that each creator, artist, and pioneer has on culture. There is big influence on the masses that can come from tiny changes with the individual – especially when that individual is a creator of media. There is no shortage of examples of the damage that comes to society when the thought leaders of culture are toxic and unhealthy. Conversely, our world has also seen the impact from even one individual who gets clear on who they are and their voice of relevance in the world (thank you, Dr. King). Armed with this knowledge and experience, we are here to heal the people that have the power to heal culture.

  • Caleb accomplished what he did because he followed his beliefs with all his heart. Beliefs can be tricky, however, because most of them are subconscious. There’s a big difference between what we agree with intellectually and what we truly believe in our core. Many times unresolved trauma or the busyness of life can cause us to not fully process our experiences. This can result in subconscious beliefs that go against our conscious core values and goals. Having a disconnect between these creates symptoms like self-sabotage, inertia, cognitive dissonance, imposter syndrome, and burnout.

    To really get moving in what we care about and make the impact we want to make, we have to make sure our subconscious beliefs and core values are fully aligned. That’s not a one size fits all job because our unique experiences are what create our unique beliefs.

    At The Caleb Co, we work with clients individually to customize coaching for them that identifies toxic thought patterns and creates healthy neural pathways to replace them. Most of our clients are storytellers in one way or another, and that is the roadmap we take to health: each person’s unique story. We create a safe space for people to see themselves for who they truly are and to integrate their whole story – even the parts they want to erase. We have found that often it is the areas in people’s stories and personalities that they are the most uncomfortable with that are the areas they have the most to contribute to the world and that give them their competitive edge. It takes a holistically healthy mindset to be able to venture into that space however, and that is exactly what we help our clients do. The result is sustainable, continuous growth and an integration of fulfillment in our client’s personal and professional lives.