about online coaching

Do you want to transform your life in 7 weeks?!

We all have a story that makes us who we are. Very few of us take the time to understand and heal our past, so that we can fully live our present, and create a strategy for our future.  

Not taking the time to do this causes symptoms like:

·      Feeling paralyzed by fear and overwhelm

·      Burnout and frustration

·      Self-sabotage

·      Imposter syndrome

·      Feeling unfulfilled and misunderstood

·      Being stuck in cycles with the same negative outcomes

It’s normal to feel this, but it’s not healthy to not address it. 

We’re excited to offer our proven mindset program in a group setting for everyone around the world who works in the business and entertainment industries. We’ve developed the format to accommodate your fast-paced lifestyle.

What to expect:

Read below for more info on the course!

  • Gain tools to overcome toxic cycles in your life.

  • Go at your own pace each week.

  • 4 hours.

  • You will have the chance to join the online Caleb Co-mmunity, starting soon!

in 7 weeks you’ll gain tools to…

course overview


Discovery: Your Intention, Your Belief Gifting, Your Story


Freedom from Limitation

week 7

Sustainable Change: The Buddy System

week 2

The Problem: Why You’re Stuck

week 5

Making Your Triggers Work FOR You

week 3

The Solution: Re-Wiring Your Mind

week 6

Strategy and Goal Setting

Online Coaching 2024
One time

We're excited to offer our proven mindset coaching program at an affordable price for those in entertainment and business industries. Our program helps creatives shift destructive patterns into healthy ones, leading to thriving mental health and creativity. We've developed a format to accommodate your fast-paced lifestyle. In 7 weeks, you'll gain a holistic understanding of limiting mindsets, be able to tell your whole story, develop replacement mindsets, and activate a neural pathway. Join us!

✓ Group Support
✓ Go at your own pace

Meet your instructor

Sarah Caleb

Sarah is the CEO of The Caleb Co and very passionate about working with all types of creatives in every industry. She will guide you, along with a couple other instructors, in this journey of unlocking healthy mindsets so you can see fruit in every area of your life.

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